The nickname that sticks

By ap84 - 27/02/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, after soccer practice, I was walking to the car with my dad. My teammates waved and said "BYE POTHEAD!" They call me that because they think my head is shaped like a pot. Of course, my dad didn't believe me. I'm grounded now because I have an abnormally-shaped head. I've never smoked pot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 846
You deserved it 5 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an unreasonable and irrational father.

Tell your Dad he's a fool and that you'll take a drug test to prove him wrong.. Hope it all works out, Pothead


Welp, sounds like a good time to start. Might as well be grounded for doing something.

TheOrpheus 0

i am so sorry. your friends need to learn wen to use nicknames and when not to.

Hm... you're grounded, but you're able to get on the Internet to post things like this still? You're obviously young enough to still need Dad to come get you from practice. Surely you wouldn't be getting away with hanging out on FML if this really happened. Also, have you considered that parents might actually know what they're doing from time to time? Highly doubt he would "ground" you for alleged and unclear pot-use. Improve your creative writing skills.

I advise you to take your own tip, and go back to 7th grade english class.

curlyfry33 8

Well first of all dont just assume that the op isnt old enough to drive, you dont know the situation hes in, he could be 19 and living at home. And second off you talk like you dont know the event that the op got grounded for, which makes you look incredibly stupid because thats what the post is telling you.


LameKara 0

#29 needs to chill the hell out. Is your hobby to critically analyze the probability of FMLs? They're FMLs specifically BECAUSE they're so outrageous and unusual. It's very likely that his parents ground him from going out, so he's stuck doing things in the house. That's how my parents used to do it. I could still use the computer, but I couldn't have human to human contact. And his father's reaction is EXTREMELY possible, I know, because my dad would have done the EXACT same thing (by the way, I empathize strongly with the OP on that note). Is it really necessary to sit here and decide which FMLs are true and which aren't...? Just enjoy the damn FML.

Edmund_Dantes 0

By drug war logic, this means marijuana ruined your life.