The L Word

By Humiliated & Heart-Broken - 30/07/2014 04:41 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I told my boyfriend that I loved him for the first time. The L-word is probably one of the only things I'm scared to say, so what did he do? He stared at me blankly before making a farting noise with his mouth and asking if he could go get Chicken Express for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 947
You deserved it 5 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He probably was just taken by surprise.

Whether its FYL or YDI depends on how long you've been dating


Maybe it was too soon, to say the L-word.

It looks like he isn't ready to say it yet give it time...

He is planing something big maybe. He goes and get the chicken, hides a ring in it, op takes a bite and finds the ring and op's bf gets on his knees and asks OP to marry him. How romantic is that?

Judging by his farting noise reaction, my response is to wait till you can start dating guys who aren't teenagers.

Just don't get it. For me the phrase "I love you" has become some sort of forbidden concept?!? When did this happen???

How is saying that you love someone a commitment? He isn't getting engaged for goodness sake. Chances are you got him by surprise, he may be more hesitant than even you OP and did not want to just blurt out an 'I love you too'.

ChristianH39 30

It's not a commitment on the same level as getting engaged, but it's not something to take lightly. While his response was about as tactless as it gets, you shouldn't tell someone you love them just because it's what they want to hear. If you don't mean it, you're better off not saying it