Testing testing

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Hood River

Today, one of my friends asked me to flirt with her boyfriend to see if he would flirt back. Knowing this was a trust test, I agreed. She got pissed at me when he flirted back and still isn't speaking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 801
You deserved it 5 543

Top comments

maggiefox 25

How old are you guys? Sounds like she's pretty immature to blame you and not him.

The whole situation seems stupid to me. What did everyone honestly expect to happen here.


Relationships are based on trust. No trust, no relationship simple as that. She either needs to get with someone she trusts or raise her self esteem and confidence so she can trust guys.

Well that's an immature friend right there. She doesn't know what to do with him so she's taking it out on you.

moo77_fml 20

Clearly there's no trust in the relationship.. Why else would she ask you to flirt with him in the first place!!! Clearly she doesn't understand that!!! Leave her to it ..x

Sorry hon sounds like your so called best friend has some confidence issues. you may want to confront her for being so petty and immature.

Very bad thing to do to your friend regardless of the circumstances, you better check your friendship code.

The friend literally told OP to do it. It was a stupid game/test/whatever but I don't think OP's the one in the wrong.

Um, her friend asked for her help and she did it... That's generally a normal part of friendship, doing each other favours. I mean, in this particular case it was an incredibly stupid thing for the friend to ask, and OP should have said no for a few reasons. But as far as your "friend code" goes, doing something your friend asked you to do for them is certainly not a bad thing, usually it's a very nice thing. I think you're the one who might need to reevaluate your own friend code if you think doing a favour for a friend is something that horrible.

She's a moron! Lose her and carry on with your life.

wordygirl 11

Hmmm...I would never do that for a friend, no matter how much they begged me to. It's not to hard to imagine things not going the way she hoped they would and well...there you are! Ydi imo:/

YDI for agreeing to such a stupid game

Either that or the friend knew what her boyfriend would do, but, just wanted an excuse to not talk to the op? Never know with people these days..