Sorry, but it's a no

By Anonymous - 19/02/2021 15:01 - Australia - The Oaks

Today, after years of battling mental health and unemployment, I was rejected from a job packing tomatoes. Apparently I'm unsuitable for even the most basic work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 985
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If, hypothetically, you did get the job and then got fired, would you say you got "canned?"

I think it's awesome that you are dipping your toe in the water, that's great. Food service companies usually try to get really fast paced workers. i think you're capable of more, aim higher


If, hypothetically, you did get the job and then got fired, would you say you got "canned?"

I think it's awesome that you are dipping your toe in the water, that's great. Food service companies usually try to get really fast paced workers. i think you're capable of more, aim higher

Just the nature of seeking employment. I've applied to many jobs where I have every skill, qualification and experience requested for the position and 95%+ of the time don't even get a call back. Be glad they had the decency to let you know you didn't make it, usually they just ghost you.

Now you can ketchup with your personal health and get some help!