
By Anonymous - 19/02/2022 12:00

Today, after being friends with a guy, age 35, for a year, he asked if we could progress the relationship romantically. I'm keen but it's been a month, and the closest touching we have done is a hug. Slowest relationship ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 774
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him if you want more. We cannot read minds and are known to read too much into actions. And if we make assumptions that are wrong we could ruin a great relationship or worse, end up on some government naughty list. Guys are in a no-win situation. So, take the next step by TELLING him.

Scribbly 11

sometimesme taking things slowly at first is the best but I can assure you it's probably going to be the most awesome relationship you gon' have


Scribbly 11

sometimesme taking things slowly at first is the best but I can assure you it's probably going to be the most awesome relationship you gon' have

Tell him if you want more. We cannot read minds and are known to read too much into actions. And if we make assumptions that are wrong we could ruin a great relationship or worse, end up on some government naughty list. Guys are in a no-win situation. So, take the next step by TELLING him.

Maybe your hugs are clammy and is hesitant to go any further. Learn to hug better. There are probably YouTube videos for that.

He may be worried that you’re not too romantically into it because transitioning from “friend” to “girlfriend” is really difficult. Read the situation but maybe you can put in some of the initiative if you want more from the relationship.

nammavic1 12

Pull his pants down and start sucking his dick. I’m sure he won’t refuse that move.