Slogging for nothing

By JoannaG25 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Netherlands

Today, I was told that in order to be considered for more jobs, I should remove my college degree from my resume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 224
You deserved it 4 072

Top comments

yes.. they don't have to pay you as much that way.


krysilis 0

maybe you're just over qualified for the positions?? a lot of people dont get hired for that lame reason

That's freaking hilarious :). Hey dumb people only have the option to not list a college degree. You can do both options!

What I never heard of that. What is your degree OP?

So where did you go? INHOLLAND, maybe?

You will get considered for a lot more jobs too if you put "desired starting salary" as "willing to work for food." Lots more, but the number of offers isn't important.

doglover100 28

Then how would you get a job since most jobs require a college degree

SeattlesBest97 1

Sometimes over qualified means unemployed. Sucks right?

I'm guessing you majored in gender studies or something stupid like that. YOU DESERVED IT!!