Slogging for nothing

By JoannaG25 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Netherlands

Today, I was told that in order to be considered for more jobs, I should remove my college degree from my resume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 224
You deserved it 4 072

Top comments

yes.. they don't have to pay you as much that way.


o wow. yu musta rlly screwed up in college!!

perdix 29

****** don't need resumes! You just have to have a willingness to do whatever disgusting guys with money tell you to do. They don't care if you can recognize all of the symbolism in MacBeth, just as long as you give a hot *******.

I pay my ****** more for understanding the symbolism in MacBeth and/or quantum physics. Of course, wrong answers mean they get a donkey punch

perdix 29

Oh, Governor Spitzer, not ALL of us can afford a $3,000/hour call-girl! Most of us are in the market for a $10 "mouth party" and pray that she has enough of her own teeth that the experience is not a grating one. Although, there are some customers who do like the no-teeth models.

I don't know about The Netherlands, but in the US a lot of college-requiring jobs r being outsourced to India & other countries, & many non-outsourceable jobs (retail, repair service, secretarial, janitorial, prostitution etc) do not require a college degree, in fact a person with a college degree is viewed as a troublemaker in those jobs

This. A lot of times having a college degree makes it look like you're going to expect more money, or leave when a higher-level position comes up. A lot of those jobs ARE looking for some kind of experience which a recent grad often wouldn't have. When I first graduated, for example, I was looking for a secretarial position (since there was nothing available in my field). Most of the positions I looked at weren't interested in a college degree, but they DID want secretarial/office experience, and/or a secretarial certificate, which I hadn't had the chance to get yet.

iamepiclee 3

ya haha don't **** with Texas! :)

QueenPersephone 9

Your cat makes me think of a feline version of Jabba the Hutt. Bring me Han Solo and the wookie :)

Jaba the Cat. "Bring me Hamster Solo and a cookie"

I have the canine version of Jabba the Hut. Maybe they should get together for a SW convention.

roflcopter42 0

and 3- go **** yurself Texas whoops ass! UT all the way baby!!!

did you go to a really shitty school or something

ThinkBlueFoo 0

It was on Yahoo! alot of people can't get jobs because they are over qualified. We are hiring and we're seeing the same thing.

You don't hire overqualified people? Sounds like a successful business...

People don't hire over-qualified people because they usually don't come cheap, and when they do they still might leave for something better. But if I own a business I'd want to hire the person who will do the job right and make me money, so I think they should just set up a better contract with the over qualified employees.

In my experience the business sets up the pay. Especially in this economy, if it's not good they can go somewhere else. Bonus points if they're overqualified, not kick them to the door and get someone less skilled.

Could be because you're over-qualified and employers think you'll leave as soon as a better thing comes along.

pfunk129 1

you might be over qualified to man the deep fryer.