Simple solution

By lacieQ - 01/08/2014 20:09 - Canada

Today, I confided to my grandma that I'm suffering from depression and I feel like a burden to everyone. She replied that her grandpa used to suffer from depression too, but that he'd cured himself in the end, namely by committing suicide. Thanks, grandma, thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 116
You deserved it 4 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP that was so insensitive of your grandmother to say. Keep your head up, it'll get better and know there's people out there to genuinely help you if you need someone to talk to.

Just because someone says something, doesn't mean you have to accept it. Always remember that you are important! You matter to someone, and if you smile once every day, things will get better.


Sometimes people just don't know what to say and the wrong things come out. So very sorry about your grandpa but that doesn't mean it's the best thing. Take care of yourself and know that people think you're special and worth the life you have.

XD niceeee grandma btw I think she meant somthing along the lines of buck up kid shit happens we all die in the end

Hahahahahahahaha, i can't stop laughing. This FML cured me from my depression hahahaha

just stay strong. everything would get better in the end. yeah you'll face the hard time but just believe that you can get through it

I think there's a difference between feeling sad, even if it feels like all the time and depression. I'm not disregarding that you might actually be depressed but the term is used so careless. I think it's important that you if you already don't is that depression and suicide tends to run in famil

the "it gets better" thing is literally what it means. adults say that bc believe it or not, ppl get depressed every day, whether it's a few hours, days, weeks, or even months and years, depression happens. y? bc life can get shitty or ur just more prone to it than others. meds and counseling can help, but it's more of helping yourself. do something good for yourself. get a job u like, hang out with friends, go to a cool concert, do whatever it takes (usually something u love) to keep u distracted and productive. that helps SO much. that's y adults say "it gets better". u make the decision to do something for yourself, a good, enriching decision. I've had depression for 10 years. I'll tell you, it's ******* hard, but things change eventually. it WILL, no matter what, take time. you've gotta be patient and it sucks, but that's how it is. just learn to cope positively. hope that helps

I hope you're doing okay OP. Remember that you are not a burden to anyone and you are never alone.

Awh, stay strong. I know it's hard, I suffer with depression too. Message me anytime if you need to talk:)

OP, really sorry, I accidentally clicked the button that said "You deserved it" while scrolling. To make it up, I clicked both buttons. And by the way, that sucks