Scary times

By PickedOnByDamien - 02/10/2013 08:12 - United States - Holyoke

Today, my bully made me cry once again. It's been going on for weeks. I don't know who to turn to; I can't say anything because I'd get into even more trouble. He even stole my Nintendo 3DS and won't give it back. My bully is my girlfriend's son. He's 10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 456
You deserved it 54 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ASSERT YOURSELF. If you sit there and take it, it only makes it okay for this kid to do it to other people.


You need to talk to your girlfriend. I guess you're the stepdad that provides food and clothing for him and your girlfriend. He should show you some respect. Maybe he treats other people like this. Act before it is to late. Good luck :)

RedPillSucks 31

Well, OP doesn't say that he's actually supporting his girlfriend and child. She could be financially independent on him, or worse, she could be supporting him. He may not have that kind of leverage, but he should man the **** up or get the **** out.

Wow, you need to pull yourself together and realize that only you put yourself in this situation. Being together with this kid's mom means you're gonna have to be a responsible, respected adult and a rolemodel for this kid. Read a little about setting limits for "your" kid, the kid won't respect you because you LET him disrespect you. Time for a serious heartfelt talk with this kid, he might be having a hard time with you being together with his mom. Make sure you're very clear, set rules and limits. Don't let him do whatever he wishes to do with you. Would you let an adult treat you like this? I sure hope not.

You, sir, are what we call a Certified Fussy. I don't give a flying **** how big he is for his age. He is a child, and you are an adult. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of behaviour from a grown man. Allowing him to bully you is bad enough, but crying over it rather than doing something about it is inexcusable. I was bullied when I was a kid, but I learned how to deal with bullies and make them stop. But that was when they were my age. You (I assume) are significantly older than he, so you have the power to make it stop. Now.

I swear to the Almighty FML Deity that I wrote "Pussy", not "Fussy". Fussy doesn't even make any goddamned sense.

You receive no sympathy from me. Stand your ground.

every1luvsboners 11

Show him naked pics of his mom, that'll show him who's the boss.

RedPillSucks 31

Really!?!?! Either man up or slink away with your tail between your legs and forever be someones bitch!

If he is not using some sort of blackmail, YDI.

Yell at him!! He's ten, and definitely not your boss

Yes and I am sure yelling is the most effective response, because no preteen has ever done something to get a rise, or completely tuned out their parent/ step parent at any point. OP you need to calmly stand your ground and have a chat with the girl friend on how to handle her child's behavior, as a team.

perdix 29

What kind of a woman would want to be with such a limp dick? A grown man obsessed with Nintendo, and crying at something other than a death or the goodbye scene of "The Wizard of Oz?" I guess if you're stuck with hellspawn, you'll accept any worm that brings home a paycheck.