Run for the hills

By Stung - 03/08/2009 21:57 - United States

Today, I found out that bees like to make hives in odd places, like in your vintage car's trunk. I also found out that they don't like it when you break their hive in half when you open the trunk to get out a spare tire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 156
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** You Honey Nut Cheerios Bee. That's not a balanced breakfast you're giving me... it lies!

AndelleRae 9

This shit sucks. My car has been sitting in my parking lot for awhile, and it's infested with bees. I tried getting into my trunk, and got swarmed by them. Luckily I didn't get stung. My recommendation is lots of Raid.


I hope you didn't also find out that you're allergic to bee stings...

did u mean vintage or old rust bucket that's been in the backyard a few decades u thought might have a spare in it? lmao either way that suuckz

really i didnt know they hated that lol FYL

I'm pretty sure the last line is "take your money" it's just a thought

zfchatroulette 24

Here's the thing though, I don't have a vintage car.