Rock n roll

By theskippster - 30/05/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I was in Walmart. I saw a demo for Guitar Hero on the DS so I started playing. I was kicking ass and really feeling great about myself. I then looked away for a second, looked back down, and saw that the notes were still being hit. The demo had been on automatic-player the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 089
You deserved it 65 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gnitegracie 0

ProTip: Learn/play real guitar. That'll give you a more genuine sense of accomplishment.

essentee 0

hahahahahah that is hilarious! wish i were there to see it!


The worst thing about this FML is that you felt good about yourself for doing good in Guitar Hero.

slicing 0

Lol you must have provided free entertainment to the store employees and customers who knew the game was on auto.

I agree with #11. But I love playing things on demo. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something with zero effort. I love the guitar hero vs. real guitar arguments. I'm on the side that a real guitar will give you a greater sense of accomplishment then guitar hero though.

blland 0

HAHAHAHA that's priceless. 18- Oh shit, now this site's gonna get flooded with spammers? Go back to youtube.

#18 - This ain't YouTube. GTFO #20 - I hope this site doesn't. ):