Rock n roll

By theskippster - 30/05/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I was in Walmart. I saw a demo for Guitar Hero on the DS so I started playing. I was kicking ass and really feeling great about myself. I then looked away for a second, looked back down, and saw that the notes were still being hit. The demo had been on automatic-player the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 089
You deserved it 65 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gnitegracie 0

ProTip: Learn/play real guitar. That'll give you a more genuine sense of accomplishment.

essentee 0

hahahahahah that is hilarious! wish i were there to see it!


Guitar Hero on the DS is lame. Oh, and for the "GET A REAL GUITAR LOLZ" people: Put down the controller and start shooting people with a real gun.

Julle_fml 0

Oh no! :P That must have been so embarrassing!

testing_fml 0

It's a video game, folks. Some of y'all act as if a video game shouldn't simulate life. "Today, I was playing Pong..." "STFU and play tennis" "Today, I was playing Madden..." "STFU and play real football" "Today, I was playing GT..." "STFU and drive a real car" Just STFU and enjoy the damn game. No one I know who plays GH/RB claims to be any good at the actual instrument; it's a ******* game and everyone knows it...God forbid you put down your cynicism and have some actual fun

#38 THANK YOU! I was gonna say the same thing...

QuentinM95 0

maybe if you learned a real instrument... just a thought

fretforyerlatte 0

LMFAO i bet you were all into it too, making hand guestures and extreme facial expressions and such. i would about have pissed myself if i were there.

Sparky09 0

You deserve that for going to Walmart.