
By Etrius - 17/08/2014 15:19 - United States - La Grande

Today, I went to get my hair cut. My stylist had the greatest tattoo of a rat on her arm. I spent the whole appointment thinking about how cool the tattoo was, and what an interesting person she must be to choose such a thing. So I complimented her on it and she said, "Oh it's a wolf." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 321
You deserved it 7 182

Same thing different taste

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nitrog100 21

You see, that's where you save face by saying, provided you weren't wearing glasses, that you have pretty terrible eyesight.

Haha I just moderated an FML that said someone mistook their wolf tattoo as a rat tattoo

It's the difference between Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin!

I woulda been like, "damn my bad! I'm sorry, it just looks badass and I've been staring at it thinking about how cool it looks." I do this kinda shit all the time lol

Don't complain OP, you're not the one going through life with a wolverat tattoo. FHL.

I got super excited at first because I have a big rat tattoo on my thigh... That's too bad for her, though!

Whoever gave her the tattoo must not be very good if you thought a wolf was a rat.