Preferential treatment

By Anonymous - 27/01/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after I bought my house, my dad forced me to do all the DIY with him because I needed to know how to do it myself, but my sister just bought her house and not only did dad hire tradesmen to do a lot of the work, he forced me to do a lot of it as well. Never before have I wished I was a girl too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 525
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Imagine how your sister feels, having your dad spend time with you and teach you useful maintenance skills while she'll always have to depend on others to do hers.

rudico67 8

Quit griping. If you can learn how to do DIY projects well, you will save yourself a lot of money and trouble over the years. I wish I knew how to do stuff!! If you can't do stuff, I hope you earn a good salary so you have the wherewithal to hire the work that needs to be done.


TeaTimeAbyss 20

Imagine how your sister feels, having your dad spend time with you and teach you useful maintenance skills while she'll always have to depend on others to do hers.

man you females will push fault off any female is amazing

rudico67 8

Quit griping. If you can learn how to do DIY projects well, you will save yourself a lot of money and trouble over the years. I wish I knew how to do stuff!! If you can't do stuff, I hope you earn a good salary so you have the wherewithal to hire the work that needs to be done.