Got a screw loose

By stupid^2 - 04/10/2021 20:00

Today, I did something you never ever should do. I removed the screw in the shower drain. What I didn't know was that it's impossible to know if the shower will leak afterwards. I just wanted to properly clean the drain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 643
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait what? I've done this in all of my apartments

Did I miss something? Was this advice from the movie "Gremlins?"


Did I miss something? Was this advice from the movie "Gremlins?"

wait what? I've done this in all of my apartments

I’m so confused at this. Who said you couldn’t unscrew the drain cover to clean it out? And what do you mean that it is leaking? The drain cover shouldn’t leak since it’s just a cover? Unless I’m misunderstanding what part of the drain you’re talking about…

wrenavery90 12