
By holy - 21/10/2009 21:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I told my brother to piss off. He decided to do exactly that, from the balcony onto my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 075
You deserved it 33 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i_got_it 0

Imagine what he would've did if you said **** off.

He's got good aim. You should've done the same thing. Have like, a fight via streams to see whose stream is mightier.


_Naboo_ 0

Ah, sorry about that little brother. Should have been a little more clear with your words.

YD to be pissed on by someone for spelling ****** like a red neck @ #31

"Piss off" is perfectly acceptable, even in the US. OP, that's about the point you get yourself a bat and end the bitch.

As a man, I'm a little mad that other guys don't put in the effort to get the pee in the toilet and not on the seat. We're capable of sniping people off of balconies, so getting it into a toilet is not exactly an arduous task.

No, I have a penis, and a Y chromosome, and I am definitely a man. But I do share a bathroom with other men, and fully grown men should not be missing the toilet seat on a regular basis. Maybe when they're really drunk or at 3 A.M., but I should not come home at 2 P.M. to find pee on the seat. That's a) disgusting, and b) unhygienic, and c) lazy. Even if they do hit the seat, it takes 2 seconds to rip off a sheet of toilet paper, wipe the piss off the rim, and toss it in the toilet before flushing, and if you do that, no one ever has to know what a terrible shot you are.