
By Getoverit - 07/11/2022 02:00

Today, I found out my Chemistry professor failed me on purpose, all because she’s still salty about me dating her ex-husband. This was well over a year ago. You’d think someone with a PhD would be mature enough to move on and stop being a bitter bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 710
You deserved it 1 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're stupid if you think an advanced degree in the hard sciences affects someone's emotional resilience. You should never take courses with anyone whose romantic life you've been even obliquely involved with.

$1,000,000 question. Was he her ex-husband THEN, or was that a result of you dating him. If it's the former, then yes, she needs to move on. If it was the latter, then you deserve this because of you causing the divorce.


You're stupid if you think an advanced degree in the hard sciences affects someone's emotional resilience. You should never take courses with anyone whose romantic life you've been even obliquely involved with.

$1,000,000 question. Was he her ex-husband THEN, or was that a result of you dating him. If it's the former, then yes, she needs to move on. If it was the latter, then you deserve this because of you causing the divorce.

He caused his divorce as he was the one married.

Transfer to another class ASAP. Also, you *really* can't understand why she'd be upset? Narcissistic much?

IantoJones_fml 28

Your school should have a process to file a bias complaint. You should be able to get any submitted coursework (any papers or projects) reviewed by one of her peers or superiors. And possibly be tested under objective conditions. Consult your advisor!