Oh no…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out all the "work meetings" my husband has been going to wasn't him having an affair after all, but him attending a neo-Nazi group. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 562
You deserved it 1 573

Top comments

Guess you did nazi that coming...sorry i had to but seriously fyl indeed


You're the love of my life, But it cuts like a knife, And I feel that I'm being misled. See, I'm a little concerned, For I've recently learned Of the swastika tattoo on your head. And it makes you smile When you hear "Sieg Heil". You love the smell of a burning cross in the yard. You do goose-step salutes In your Doc Martin boots, And you quoted "Mein Kampf" in our 5th anniversary card. I think you're a nazi, baby. Are you a nazi? You might be a nazi, baby...

it's 6:30 am and now I'm gonna be singing this in my head all day. fml?

Wow I would file for divorce immediately, not really but I would be a bit concerned...

readingrachel 9

That's horrible, loving someone who hates. I agree with most of the commentators here, leave him.

Affair is sounding pretty good now, eh?

ourtneyc 14

that is so disgusting and I honestly see that as a good reason for divorce. it should NOT be tolerated racism is ******* disgusting

pharm121 21

But isn't a person's right to be a racist? Whether or not I agree with them I certainly wouldn't take away their rights to their beliefs. Regardless of the fact that I'm a gay bi racial male...

What a load of hippy nonsense. It's not that it's a right to believe. It's that it is literally impossible to make someone believe what you want them to.

Your rights do not extend to giving you the right to discriminate against others, in fact, they do the opposite. Freedom from persecution is a human right alongside freedom of speech.

Legally, yes. Morally, no. It's a tricky thing legally, too. How much is expressing an opinion versus verbal threats, or impinging on someone else's rights, or devolving further into a hate crime? Morally, the answer is clear. Humans are ALL human, whatever the color of the skin. Biologically, everyone is related. 48-50th cousins, at most. So, we all have common ancestors - Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasian. There are no "pure" racial lineages, and haven't been. Ever.

Sure they have a right to be a racist douche nozzle. And OP has the right to divorce them as a result. Funny how that works, isn't it?

To be fair, we all have a right to think whatever we want. It's those people who act on thoughts such as racism that hurt others who lose those rights. While attending neo-nazi meetings may not inherently be harming others, I think it's in a rather gray area as to what would have to be tolerated.

ourtneyc 14

if I ever found out that my significant other believed that all people of color are bad and that whites are superior I would probably throw up. this is not exaggeration or being dramatic. this is not a right of opinions. being a nazi, or in the kkk IS being apart of a terrorist organization. just because it's a white group doesn't make them not terrorists. No one should ever believe that another race is lesser than them. Sure you could use the opinion excuse but guess what? may be your opinion but it's still racist no matter what. it's hating a whole group of people. it's wanting violence on others who are different than you. sorry for the long rant but honestly that's why divorce is ******* necessary, who would want to be with someone as sick as that?

bobsanction 18

I don't know about anyone else but I'd prefer it being cheating.