Oh, hai Mark!

By hi Mum - 11/12/2013 19:59 - United States - North Charleston

Today, I learned that just because you live on a different continent, it doesn't mean your mother won't come knocking when you are having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 311
You deserved it 5 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mum: *flies plane to the continent you live on* Mum: are you guys having sex? Mum: *flies back*

nikkon416 13

Did you put a sock on the door?


@#1 Top comment makes no sense because he is a Canucks fan!

You truly have my sympathy. I guess nobody told your mom that it's nice to call before visiting someone--especially when that visit involves transcontinental travel.

ulissey_fml 22

I love it how 64 people already (and counting...) have mothers who would NOT have knocked on top of it !!

Tfresh79 9

Her mother instincts kicked in.

JoseIsAdork 31

but mooom, I was gettin buuusy!

Aint that the truth. I moved to korea once, still couldnt get away from the lectures. Yeesh.

MartiOan 8

Unless you live in Istanbul there is no excuse for that.