Oh, hai Mark!

By sweet - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I discovered that despite locking the bathroom door of an airplane, a man is still fully capable of walking in on you changing your tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 407
You deserved it 2 027

Top comments

I'm so wary of the bathrooms on airplanes after I saw you can unlock them from outside. And this proves my fears are justified.

Did he not see the red door symbol thing?? Maybe he really had to go.. Either way that sucks op...


This is why you ALWAYS knock! Just to be safe!

menareweak 6

He should just thank the lord he doesn't have to change anything

then again if it were men who had periods, tampons pads and midol containing hydrocodone would be given away like mardi gras beads to tigobitties. bbbuuuttt at least y'all would be a little more sensitive to our feelings other than just when one of us is sick lol (don't get me wrong here I love my man even tho he is a sociopath in the way of literally showing no feelings ever. I'm really not sure he has any at all but I do know he means well and loves me)

PePziNL 20

ooooohhhhhh mygod I JUST got this...12 hours later lmfao *love it*

hey at least he didnt use the toilet while you were still in there

That's awful for you! However, the man is probably way more embarrassed. WAY more. Small consolation but still...

I would have like to have seen that.