No Columbo

By Anonymous - 17/09/2022 09:30

Today, as my wife loves games, she set me a series of clues leading to our date night, where she's waiting for me. WHY? She knows how bad a problem solver I am. By the time she realised I was going to be hopelessly late, and answered my 50 missed calls, I’d only solved the first 2 clues out of 18 total. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 061
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly? That’s on her, not you. She should have some idea that puzzles are not your thing and if she was going to do this at all she should have adjusted the puzzle accordingly, or left an “If you can’t solve this by X time here’s the answer so you won’t be late” letter along with the first clue.

Reading this with my partner, and we both would break up over this. Not because its fun or she likes puzzles, but because she clearly has no clue about you and only.cared about her own interest, zero thought went in for you to be successful and a positive game. Instead she of ignored calls, set up clues she knew you're not good with it, and after all that the end result was to wine and dine her. She only answered when she realised the date will be ruined if you don't make it through clues... I would take my time before I trust her to plan anything for you together. I'd probably find many excuses never to go out at her choices because she showed so little thought for you, your capabilities, interest and missed 50 calls. Disrespectful doesn't even cover it.


Honestly? That’s on her, not you. She should have some idea that puzzles are not your thing and if she was going to do this at all she should have adjusted the puzzle accordingly, or left an “If you can’t solve this by X time here’s the answer so you won’t be late” letter along with the first clue.

Reading this with my partner, and we both would break up over this. Not because its fun or she likes puzzles, but because she clearly has no clue about you and only.cared about her own interest, zero thought went in for you to be successful and a positive game. Instead she of ignored calls, set up clues she knew you're not good with it, and after all that the end result was to wine and dine her. She only answered when she realised the date will be ruined if you don't make it through clues... I would take my time before I trust her to plan anything for you together. I'd probably find many excuses never to go out at her choices because she showed so little thought for you, your capabilities, interest and missed 50 calls. Disrespectful doesn't even cover it.

This. My dad did this to me with my Christmas present last year (cryptograms, word puzzles, etc) but it's because he KNOWS me and knows I love puzzles and that it would be a fun thing for me. OP's girlfriend did NOT read the room and on top of that, ignored attempts for help and that is a laundry basket of red flags.

It's Colonel Mustard with a letter opener in the library. That's always the answer!

vg 4

Maybe it was an elaborate ruse to get an evening for herself?

"I interpreted this clue to mean that the next clue is in the strip club..."