New creepypasta

By pokeballbra - 17/10/2011 05:44 - United States

Today, I had to sit on the bus next to a creepy guy. He began pestering me with overly-sexual statements, and finally I told him I had a boyfriend. He responded with, "Tell me his name so I can track him down, kill him, and hopefully take his place." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 096
You deserved it 4 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure he meant it in the nicest way possible.


Razzed 4

Here's what you do the next time something like this happens. -Ignore the person when they make their first comment. -If they persist, get up and move. -If they try to follow you, forcefully tell them to "F*ck off and leave me alone!" -Tell the bus driver and/or call the cops if you need to. I find that skipping right to the "F*ck off!" stage is usually effective. Creepers like that generally like to target meek ladies who think it's rude to stand up for themselves. I'm also a big fan of telling the bus driver. Most drivers are willing to kick those types of people off the bus, which also ensures that you can get off at your regular stop and not have to worry about the creeper trying to follow you home.

Should have replied "how about you tell me your name so I can call the police, they can track you down and arrest you and put you in your place."

cupakake 0

Next time tell him you have mace and you're more then happy to show him how it works.

Tell me the creepy guys name so that after he kills your boyfriend and takes his place, I can the creepy guy and take his place.

That is a true gentleman there. You deserve him!

that1kid82 2

hmmm a creeper... did he say "thatsssss a nice ssshirt you are wearing sssshame if anything wassss to happen to it ssssssss"

Call his bluff. Sounds to me like he is all stalk and no action.

rainbow_kisses90 2

Haha....that's horrible.....unless he was joking of course!

Tell him you only like extremely rich men with foreign accents.