Netflix is a drug

By Alexandra - 08/12/2016 20:00 - United Kingdom - Heckmondwike

Today, my fiancé completely missed the birth of our first child because he had started watching a new series on Netflix and really wanted to know how it ended. By the time he made it to the hospital our daughter was already 7 hours old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 231
You deserved it 1 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sure you want to marry him? He seems to have his priorities a little mixed up.

If he can misses the birth of his own daughter, imagine what else he will miss down the road. Rethink before you marry him.


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If he was late for 7 minutes, we should say he is bad at keeping track of time and is being irresponsible. And might scrape the bottom of the barrel, try to find some excuses and pardon him. But 7 hours? Wow, simply wow.

Plus considering the fact that first-time labour often takes 10-20 hours, that means the fiance was binge-watching for 17-27 hours. The douche has clearly got some problems.

Talis99 26

If you're smart, it would be ex-fiancée.

Perhaps you should re-consider marrying someone like that. His priorities are clearly not you or your child.

I would rethink that relationship. My husband may of been distracted in the first part of labour but he was there when I needed him and because of that he saw what I went through to bring our children into the world. That strengthens a relationship and the bond between I parent and child.

Yeaaaah, this guy would not be my fiance anymore after pulling a stunt like that. He sounds like an immature little baby himself.

the great thing about Netflix is you can pause..

I'm beginning to wonder if maybe there's something more at play here than just carelessness? Maybe he has a hospital/blood phobia or had a panic attack at the thought of his child being born and didn't want to say/used Netflix to calm down? This doesn't necessarily make what he did okay but I'd be inclined to figure it out first especially if this is uncharacteristic for him (I mean he is her fiancé and she's known him at least nine months you'd think that he would have done something like this before). If it is sheer carelessness, dump him.

If it's any consolation OP... when I was born my father was sleeping in the chair next to my mother. But he also was working 13 hour shifts as a sanitation worker... I hope you chewed him out.

chessu 21

WOW, this is a true FML! I mean I would be FURIOUS and would find it incredibly hard to forgive and ever let this go, but for the sake of your kid - as one of the previous comments mentions - do try to be the bigger person and find out if there's maybe an underlying reason that would, to an extent, justify this. Nothing will 100% because whatever it was, he should've at least tried to overcome it or tell you, but it might be enough to help you forgive him. I'm looking forward to a follow up!