
By a816090 - 15/05/2019 04:30

Today, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have no idea if when I feel an emotion if it's me or my disorder. I'm my brain's bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 803
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have borderline personality disorder. I was diagnosed with it in the psych ward which I was in for major depression disorder. you're only your brains bitch because you're letting that happen. bpd is not as bad as everyone thinks. learn to manage it

turnabouttrial 21

Mental illness is vastly different for everyone. It's not fair or appropriate of you to say "it's not that bad" as if everyone experienced the same exact situation you did.


Madison Gliosci 16

Welcome to the club! We meet every Tuesday to discuss which emotions sent us off the deep-end the previous week.

I have borderline personality disorder. I was diagnosed with it in the psych ward which I was in for major depression disorder. you're only your brains bitch because you're letting that happen. bpd is not as bad as everyone thinks. learn to manage it

Yours must be great, my partners is really really bad. My family has it as well, and severity varies by person to person. It’s not all that simple

turnabouttrial 21

Mental illness is vastly different for everyone. It's not fair or appropriate of you to say "it's not that bad" as if everyone experienced the same exact situation you did.

Hey same! It's a bitch. I hope you have success figuring your brain out!!

manb91gb 15

It's a real emotion, but the BPD is probably amplifying it. That's how it seems to work in my family

I have bipolar disorder, and sometimes my family and those around me have trouble determining if I’m being hyper or having an episode. It’s extremely frustrating

Now that you know, you can do something about it. It’s not easy or overnight. But it’s worth it.

I agree. I have a neurological issue that affects my brain and some days I can’t tell if my stupid for the day is from my brain thing or actually me

Hellblazer_Sith 25

Hey there OP I was diagnosed two years ago. I was scared at first with the diagnosis but nothing has changed. It is just a name for what is going on. What I found helpful was reading into BPD and talking to others with it. It is difficult but with counselling and therapy you can get better. I’m on anxiety meds and mood stabilisers and have been getting better. I’m far better than I was over two years ago. You are not alone and there are plenty of us around. If you need someone to talk to just send a message my way. Hang in there and things do get better.

im pretty sure everyone is their brains bitch with out we wouldnt exist as who we are