Looking forward to it

By OkieThePokie - 07/08/2017 13:00

Today, I found out that my unborn son has an abnormally large head. I have an abnormally small and narrow pelvis, and I'm allergic to local anesthetic, so no epidural or spinal for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 166
You deserved it 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was like my sister, so she ended up having her kids via C-section. May want to look into that

they would have you get a c-section and safely knock you out...


Get a second opinion. Doctors like to guilt you in to uncessesary c sections because it makes them more money and is more convenient for them. I was told all 4 of my children would be giant monsters and they all turned out to be 8lbs and perfectly normal. This happens a lot unfortunately.

missessanders7805 2

you can actually have a planned c section without getting knocked out. I've had four, first one was an emergency. my son turned his head sideways against my pelvic bone which cause both of our heart rates to drop dramatically. I was put to sleep during this one, because the epidural did not work as far as when they began to cut me for the c section. my other three were planned, and I was awake for them. recovery is not fun, but has to be more fun than ripping yourself to shreds trying to avoid it. ouch.

lestatsbride87 3

sounds like a c-section under general anesthesia

Knowing that they had a small pelvis and that large heads run in the family should have been something that they knew to discuss with their doctor far sooner. They might have been able to induce her once the baby was well developed enough to survive, but still small enough to fit through her pelvis. Or they would have had more time to run down the list of options and see if there are any types of the procedures that she does tolerate. It wasn't the best planning on her part, and some people think that's enough to justify people suffering.

When he's older and he thinks you're embarrassing him just tell him the pain you went through

K3719er 9

Someone needs to get your kid a onesie that says "I tore Mommy a new one"

sounds like someone has a c-section in store for themselves

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Get a doula and a second opinion. Doctors are notoriously full of shit on both size estimates AND the narrow pelvis. Just watched my favorite "narrow pelvis " have a 9lb baby without a drop of meds. You'll be fine OP.