Looking for love in Alderaan places

By not4geeks - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went out on a first date with a cute guy. Turns out we won't be going on a date again because I didn't know the difference between "Star Wars" and "Star Trek." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 704
You deserved it 74 004

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How do you not know the difference? YDI. I'm a girl, and I'd dump you for that. It's proof positive that your interests clash.

lookitsnatash 0

Guess the Force wasn't with you


lol, geeks are the best! We know what to bring up every time!

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If starwars and startrek are both lame, wouldn't that be just like twilight, then?

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

#416 I love Star Trek!!! :)

My god, what the hell is wrong with you blo0? Were you damaged as an infant?

How can u NOT know the difference D: how is OP supposed to decide between kirk or picard??

Star Trek and Star Wars are NOT the same. Take it from the nerdy engineering chick. And OP, YDI. Honestly, what is wrong with children these days. They're completely deprived of interesting culture. All they know and breathe is Justin Bieber. I am disappointed. :(

I have no idea how people don't know what the difference is between them. Honestly.

jamescrazy96 17

By your stomach.. You're no geek! Haha!

How do you not know the difference? YDI. I'm a girl, and I'd dump you for that. It's proof positive that your interests clash.

Like Freddie Mercury said in "Bicycle" "... and I don't like Star Wars.." And Star Trek.

He never said he didn't like Star Trek....

yaa that would be why its not in quotes!!

MegamiKaosu 28

I second that, I'm a girl and I'd SOOO not go out with you again after that. I was even a sheltered child and I know this! o,e

WTF how do you not know the difference? I'm not even into that stuff as much as I am into Marvel Superhero movies (Thor, iron man, hulk, captain America, x-men, and fantastic 4) but I at least know the difference between star wars and star trek. BTW, I'm female. YDI OP and good luck finding someone with some things in common with you

gators1995 30

People, give her a break. Sheesh, you guys are making a big deal out of nothing and kids that are born in 2045 and so on probably won't even know Star Trek or Star Wars.

You're about 200 years short, but they'll certainly be working towards it!

Death_to_my_life 0

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Chocolate_Chunk 2

Sounds like he dodged one. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to never have heard of the two or their differences? That's like not knowing the difference between Shrek and Ratatouille. You wouldn't even have had to see a single episode/film of either of the two to know the difference. Was she living under a stone or what?

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Sounds to me like he dodged a bullet...

stevenJB 25

Sounds like you dodged a big Importan part of life

haxxx041 0

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I think you need to learn the difference between 'diehard fans' and 'people who don't live under a rock'

To be perfectly honest, they're quite different and it's a little YDI that you didn't know them. However, I'm hoping you just hadn't seen either of them, and couldn't distinguish one plot from another, rather than say something like, "Oh my gosh, Harrison Ford was so cute in Star Trek! " Because then it's really YDI. And #4 sounds about right to me.

grazynaanka 0

omg how could you not know. lol. jk. not everyone is into star wars and star trek. i mean, the only star anything i'm into is the new star trek movie. it's funny when people freak out over stuff like that. i mean not everyone is going to be into what the person wants them to be into and, not everyone is going to be what you are into.

You don't have to be in to that sort of thing to know that there is a big difference!

Congratulations, you've now made yourself sound like the biggest idiot I'm the galaxy. you used the phrase "I mean" more times and more improperly then I've ever seen in one sentence I'm my life.

dengman 0

sounds like a geeekk!!!!!!! lol

I think you need to learn the difference between a 'geeeeeeek' and 'someone who doesn't live under a rock'

lookitsnatash 0

Guess the Force wasn't with you

mlsmty 0

The OP's primitive culture clearly falls under the Prime Directive, thus the cute guy cannot interfere with her.

i agree with #3. how can you NOT know. jeez