Kinky but risky

By Anonymous - 02/09/2022 22:00

Today, during a family visit, my wife pulled me into the bedroom and told me to talk dirty to her, while there was a risk of being caught. It's her kink, not mine. Her sister must have overheard us because I woke up in hospital. She thought I was secretly abusive and brained me with my own walking cane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 483
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Press charges against sister. It is inexcusable that she assaulted you.


Press charges against sister. It is inexcusable that she assaulted you.

Nice to know that even senior citizens with walking canes have healthy sex lives.

Your dirty talk game is way off. Yelling insults and threats laced with copious obscenities ain't right.

Maybe try to plan better especially when family is visiting. I understand the rough, and the excitement of getting caught, but by your own family? Thats a bit weird. Also the sister went off so easily that you or the wife didn't have a chance to stop the attack? Because someone comes into the room, it's a reflex to respond immediately. But I guess hit first ask questions later, thank god it wasn't a gun