I'm a rebel, mom!

By SheenaL - 27/06/2011 06:26 - United States

Today, my son is going through a rebellious phase. He's taken to wearing leather and chains, listening to death metal music all day in his room alone, and screaming at me in public places. He was fired from his part-time job for swearing at customers. My son is 29 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 753
You deserved it 13 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chickunkey 0

kick his ass out of the house.

KennKenn 0

I would have typed "give him a timeout" then I read the end.


fusebox 0

Tell him to pull his head in and grow up.

mismonroe 0

I think this is right before families are murdered.

and he still lives at home??? tsk tsk

there's nothing wrong with death metal. i've always been a fan of it. some of my favorite bands are all shal perish, and whitechapple. just because someone likes metal doesn't mean he's a bad person. yes I listen to that kind of music, but I don't go around swearing at custamers where I work. i can understand how you must feel about everything else you posted though. that would really suck. and the anti-social thing, you might want to get him looked at. but as I said before, it has nothing to do with the metal. I love metal and it's not going to cause anyone to be an ass hole

Darklord53 0
ReiKoko 16

i agree. i love metal, too, but i don't go around swearing (in fact, i don't even swear much to begin with) and i certainly know better than to scream at my mother in public. a person's musical preference does not affect how they behave. if your son is behaving like this at his age, you really need to have a talk with him. it sounds like he seriously needs to grow up.

I totally agree 31. Listening to Death Metal doesn't necessarily make you a rebel. Fair game though about everything else re: OP's son. Seriously who screams at their mother in public or swears at customers? He needs a kick in the pants ASAP!

JayBear14 11

I don't think OP has something against the music style of her son. She just don't get why a 29-year-old hit puberty (different clothing, different music, trying to shock people...). You can't deny that, how cool metal might be (eventhough I absolutely don't like death metal, but there's more to listen to at Wacken), it's very strange if a grown-up, probably mainstream looking man suddenly changes into a cursing, leather-wearing metalhead. That's just plain weird.

shepaintsmusic 6

As another fan of metal yes I agree. I however do not think that OP was blaming the music for this.

He probably just chose metal because of the incorrect perception most people have about it's fan base. This suits the rest of the demeanor it seems he's aiming for. The image is likely to match a mindset of detatchment which at 29 is going to be hard to change. Your best bet is to be as nice as you can but just walk away when he's rude. Try to take an interest in him and whatever fads he might be going through. He'll appreciate this and hopefully open up to you as to the real issues at some point Good luck, hope you get to enjoy some metal along the way! :)

superjewwwwww 0

learn how to spell you idiot

31: Whitechaple, All Shall Perish, etc are deathcore.

Well said, especially the first part. If, however , OP's son develops an appcreciation for the actual music, Obscenity's album 'The 3rd Chapter' is brilliant, well rounded, old school death metal. (NOTE: death metal is NOT to be confused with deathcore - major difference.)

Darklord53 0

hmmm. I just gave this a thumbs up in moderation. I see that this process is faster than I presumed.

So HE'S the guy who went off his rocker when I went through the Maccas drive in. Disgraceful service, I won't be back. Actually, hold the phone, their chicken and cheese burgers are ******* amazing, so I might reconsider.

umm... maybe you should talk to him and see what's wrong.

that is your damn fault and YDI. Put his ass out of the house.

wow...pretty sure I'd boot his butt out. even my youngest son at 4 knows better than to yell at me especially in public.

totally agree. if I ever yelled at my mother I got smacked and it didn't matter where we were. not to mention, I was out of my house 3 days after my 18th birthday and when i moved back because they needed help taking care of my grandmother a couple years later, I paid rent.

Totally - my mom was a single mom, but she wasn't afraid to smack the shit out of me anywhere, anytime. If I was disrespectful I had a red mark to show for it later, just in case I decided to try for a repeat performance. And that was when I was 10 and under! This is why I firmly believe in spanking children; if you don't, they turn out like this guy. Sorry, OP - sounds like your kid is a waste of your time at this point.