Itchy and scratchy

By Anonymous - 04/02/2024 21:00

Today, I finally forced my husband to go to the doctor's for his chronically itchy arsehole, which he scratches in his sleep, and ends up bleeding all over the sheets. Turns out it’s a fungal infection. Now he has to apply a cream twice a day, which isn’t fun to watch when he does it in the bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 584
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better treated now than never, therefore it will be a temporary problem.

How tf is a COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS website managing to be racist when literally no one can tell if you are black, white, green or purple with orange spots?


Better treated now than never, therefore it will be a temporary problem.

Pink_Turnips 14

maybe its one of those things where its so gross, you cant look away

nanabanana14333 1

A good, able-bodied spouse doesn't need someone else to wipe their ass for them.

bigdaddyeric 35