Humor bypass

By #goodbyelife - 09/12/2014 00:38 - United States

Today, my mom texted me and asked what I was up to. In response, I joked, "Dancing on the dining room table, waving dad's Calvin Klein's in the air, and shooting bullets into her bedroom floor." Not only did the cops show up, but now I'm grounded for two weeks for being, "deceptively believable." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 133
You deserved it 6 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not sure who to blame here, well your mom lol. she's ether really gullible or just crazy... I'm sure it was all fixed quickly. now you have a story to tell at future parties! :)


Look on the bright side, you can do some pretty goofy shit now and when she calls the police they will not believe her.

Dude that sucks! your mom should be more chill. And I'm a mom so I speak from that angle. I would have laughed it off if u were my kid.

Consider a career in sales! You could be very successful!

Just to chime in: this is the dead-pan kind of humor that cracks me up the most. But to each their own, I guess.

did the cops at least want to see the floor? or have you been "deceptively believable" once more? ;)

Wow ... your mom is weird ... Also i'm sorry for you bro :(

Either she's batshit crazy, in which case you should know better, or she has legitimate reason to take you at your word, in which case you should know better.