Hitting the gym

By LukesSkyWalker - 22/06/2015 20:35 - United States

Today, I told my dad I was gonna to start working out again. He looked at me with honest confusion on his face and said, "You worked out before?" My mother started laughing. She was all the way upstairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 652
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you know how good moms hearing is. All moms, not just yours. They also have eyes in the back if their heads


Mom can hear no matter where she is.

Prove them wrong, and don't forget the most important part to get a nice and fit body is a proper diet.

Forget them. As someone who took a long break from working out (not by choice, but still) it's a lot easier to get back into it with group classes and friends to go with. Keep it fun, but have a schedule you have to stick with. Anything that sounds interesting, go for it. Kickboxing, barre, TRX, whatever. You'll be showing them in no time, AND feeling good about yourself.

I love dads like these. They are funny

brandonc8892 13

Oh come on. It is your dad! I'm sure he loves you and just took the opportunity because it. was. golden.

this is exactly the motivation you need!

sammeb002 5

Instead of working out you should work on your grammar "I told my dad I was gonna to start working out again" ??