Highway to hell

By hnnhyoo - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Oxnard

Today, I got told that I was going to hell for turning down a man who was at least in his 60s. Even after I told him I was married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 570
You deserved it 1 707

Top comments

This is disgusting but sadly a lot of women experience this type of thing all too often.

karcummings 19

some people are just rude, don't listen to them cause its not true.


"Frankly, sir, if the only alternative to Hell is a relationship with you, I don't really see it as much of a downgrade."

There is no hell, but if there was, he'd be the one headed there, not you, OP.

I guess if at first you don't succeed, threaten eternal damnation.