Higher than the sun

By Bad Dad - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I caught my 15-year-old son trying to roll catnip into a joint and smoke it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 930
You deserved it 5 092

Top comments

karatekid97 17

*inserts an overused cat pun in a sentence here*


sugarbaby9908 20

Let the dumbass smoke it anyway

99treee 7

"Insert a "insert cat pun here" like"

... did he smoke it? what was the result?

tree10010011101 8

To all the people saying you can't get high on catnip, You can get effects similar to cannabis such as; relaxation, euphoria, happiness, etc.

Completely agree with #41. If the kid wants to smoke pot, he's going to smoke pot. There are plenty of other things to be worried about him doing, and it could possibly strengthen your relationship with him if you were understanding.

Exploration like that is only stupid until it works. Innovation is like that.
