Higher than the sun

By Bad Dad - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I caught my 15-year-old son trying to roll catnip into a joint and smoke it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 929
You deserved it 5 092

Top comments

karatekid97 17

*inserts an overused cat pun in a sentence here*


I'd say let him learn. It's not illegal.

Well stabbing yourself in the foot isn't illegal either, doesn't mean I'd let my son do it to "let him learn".

If he is stupid enough to stab his foot I'd video it while I was pissing myself laughing.

SystemofaBlink41 27

I'd actually be worried... You know, cause it's my offspring?

As a child, I ate it, and I'm fine. there are worse things.

SnowKitten 14
llamarrama01 21

ok all the cat jokes are used so I'll just say ew

Let's not pretend we haven't all wondered, at least once, what would happen if we did this.

PresidentNorth 16

we don't have to wonder. There are idiots who've done for us all over the internet.

That's not catnip, it's Spice, synthetic marijuana.

Ihavegas 22

I'm sure we all smoke some wacky stuff. dried autum leaves, banana skins, nutmeg, oh and tissue paper. so bad ass

I smoked a newspaper once. :| But then again, I was a twelve-years-old fool that was trying to be tough. When I look back at my past, I pretty much die of shame.

I would not be surprised if this fml inspires some copy cats.

Look on the bright side. Regular drugs take some intelligence to use or get your hands on, which he obviously lacks.

Don't do it again? Geez, don't need to be so catty about it.