Heaven knows I'm miserable now…

By Anonymous - 14/02/2021 02:04

Today, my friend is acting like a martyr over not wanting to get a job and guilt tripping me for having one. I mean, I hate my job but I also like my ability to pay bills, unlike some apparently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 877
You deserved it 75

Same thing different taste

Top comments

samomaha 17

That's not a friend. Time to get rid of that person.


samomaha 17

That's not a friend. Time to get rid of that person.

peterblack67 9

Why does it matter what your dumb friend thinks?

Your “friend” is an immature idiot. You deserve better friends.

Unless your friend is dead, he's a pariah, not a martyr. Someone had to be "that guy".