Getting fit for all the wrong reasons

By Anonymous - 01/05/2020 14:00

Today, for the 28th consecutive day, I went jogging for an hour, even though I never really used to, just to get away from my husband and two kids, because being stuck in lockdown with them is boring me out of my mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 391
You deserved it 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it this way, they must be having a difficult time with you too and love when you go take a jog. This lockdown is difficult on all of us. Many miss having their own space. Just remember that you're a family who love each other and that this will not last forever.

What's the problem here? Do you have shin splints or something? So, improving cardiovascular fitness is now an FML? I guess this virus has changed our world!


What's the problem here? Do you have shin splints or something? So, improving cardiovascular fitness is now an FML? I guess this virus has changed our world!

oldtimer 3

I can understand you may be upset or irritated with them but being bored that’s on you. In this age of the internet there is no reason to be “bored”. This is your family, talk, play, dress up, go online learn something new. I just started learning lock picking. You need to start to use your imagination. Expand your mind!

if I wasn't essential, i would be doing the same. no kids tho

Susan Yee 9

Good for you. By the end of the Q, you will be fitter and hotter!

Good motivator. You get out for a bit. You get a short break. I say all is good.

Look at it this way, they must be having a difficult time with you too and love when you go take a jog. This lockdown is difficult on all of us. Many miss having their own space. Just remember that you're a family who love each other and that this will not last forever.

Aren’t we all now going out for daily exercise just to escape for a while.. it’s either walk, run or cycle! Would definitely rather catch the fitness bug than covid

peithecelt 28

reading this in November just makes me hope you are holding up okay, still.