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By FriendsSuck - 06/07/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I was leaving a cafe with some of my friends. I had to sit in the back of the car by myself. I opened the door when I saw an old woman needing help getting to her car because it was raining. I shut the door and went to help. My friends thought I had gotten in. I was left in the rain with no phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 969
You deserved it 5 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. That's why you say, "Hold on a second, guys, I'll be right back!" YDI. Idiot.


jasax1 0

This is so horribly written... wow.

incredibly poor writing skills, thats all i have to say.

Well... there are friends and friends...

1xbananax1 0

Karma will get you back for that :D

50 cents for icecream!?!?!? Wat country r u in??

Cloudy_fml 0

Wrong fml tranman978. =) And in the fml you were replying to, he said he was 50 cents SHORT. Not that it only cost that altogether.

It makes perfect sense. Can you read?

softbonez 0

Yes. And this FML makes no sense.

softbonez 0

She never mentions a car. So I thought she was talking about the café.

OperationNicole_fml 0

I voted YDI because I resent you for having to reread your post 5 times. I'm still not sure I get it.

thanos_lawl 0

Okay the biggest problem with understanding this FML is not so much the lack of explanation but, as others have noted, the lack of an FML situation given any imaginable qualifying information whatsoever. The OP says that "I had to sit in the back by myself" as if this somehow explains how a car full of friends would not notice an empty backseat. Even assuming in the most absurd situation that you don't talk during car rides and your friends were extremely busy talking when they pulled out, this would not be a big deal...Are you driving a 30 foot stretch limo?! Does the driver not have a REAR VIEW MIRROR? They would all have to be drunk (and hence shouldn't be driving) or would undoubtedly notice within seconds that they were missing a passenger. I honestly can't think of any situation where this would ever happen besides inebriation or they intentionally left you (which would be a YDI for having jacka** friends) but that isn't remotely implied by the post. And furthermore, you should have shelter and a landline via the cafe as also indicated by others. This is a total nonissue and a ridiculously bad FML. Fail.

king_z 0

Wow. You really thought this out, didn't you?

scince220 0

Okay, I have reread this over and over. I still don't understand this...