Gamba streams ruin lives

By Anonymous - 08/02/2023 11:00 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I found out my mother-in-law sold a precious family heirloom and gambled away the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 969
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While this was a very poor judgement on MIL’s part, I assume it belonged to her and was hers to do with as she choose. So technically it seems she had a right to do that… In my family, my Dad had something I considered an heirloom because of a family story. I bought it from my Dad at a fair price and am glad that I did so there was no issue on who got it when he passed, nor did Dad have to sell it to a stranger… Just because a parent or in-law owns something you want to inherit does not take away their right to do with it as they choose.

To be fair, she could have won and then wouldn't you feel stupid. I'll bet she could win it back next time.


To be fair, she could have won and then wouldn't you feel stupid. I'll bet she could win it back next time.

While this was a very poor judgement on MIL’s part, I assume it belonged to her and was hers to do with as she choose. So technically it seems she had a right to do that… In my family, my Dad had something I considered an heirloom because of a family story. I bought it from my Dad at a fair price and am glad that I did so there was no issue on who got it when he passed, nor did Dad have to sell it to a stranger… Just because a parent or in-law owns something you want to inherit does not take away their right to do with it as they choose.