Fake it til you make it

By Anonymous - 07/08/2010 23:36 - United States

Today, while driving, I made a fake phone call with my fake boyfriend, making him sound amazing to my friends who were in the car with me. Until the red and blue flashing lights pulled up behind us. My fake boyfriend cost me $160 in real fines. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 968
You deserved it 66 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrFancy 0

it's people like you who cause hundreds of deaths in car related casualties! YDI, every bit of it

chillinAK 9

this has to be the most idiotic thing I have heard all day. why do you care if you look cool or not? are they going to pay your fine?grow up a little, huh?


EvilDave 13

Women say men can't communicate, yet this is how THEY communicate. "I don't have a boyfriend, but I want to lie to my friends about it so they will think I have a really great boyfriend"

YDI. I have no sympathy for people who drive while a) under the influence of drugs or alcohol or b) talking/texting on their phone. When you're driving a car, you have much more potential to kill somebody accidentally than in almost any other area of your life*. PAY ATTENTION. *I guess this depends on your job... like if you're a surgeon or paramedic that would be different... but you get the point.

as if! get a real boyfriend lol sorry but I find it sort of sad lol

Lol OP, you must have been really desperate

Wow...You Seem A Little Too Desperate...?

You coulda just said until a cop pulled behind us...

Poor buddy. I feel sorry for people who don't understand the joys of creative writing. :(


YDI cause if your that desperate to make up a fake boyfriend , the truth will come out eventually when your friends never see him ? you must be hella' ugly if you stoop down to that level and do that . advice : get a life & try to actually talk to a guy .

OliviaNicole 5

You totally deserved this. One for being completely desperate, two for being pathetic, and three, for being a complete ditz and "talking on the phone" while driving. Gosh people like you make me laugh.

ambermary101 6

most of these comments don't even have anything to do with the FML posted, but actually how people are spelling..