Demon child

By PeanutlyDisabled - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I was babysitting a new child. I guess she heard me tell her parents about my severe peanut allergy because she got a jar out of the pantry, spread it all over the stairs leading to where her fort was, and walked around with a baseball bat covered in it so I couldn't come near her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 777
You deserved it 3 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..And this is the reason my husband may interact with our child, but not actually TEACH her anything. He'd do this, I know he would. FYL, she's too smart.


MakeupBurn 0

WTF, stupid little brat. Don't go back to them.

Darrus 0

Anyone else reminded of King of Queens??

Nope, but I'm reminded of The Simpsons. Peanut shrimp, anyone?

HeaRTs_Girl 0

Haha, my thoughts exactly. Classic. :-P

We have an evil scientist in the making.

Most peanut allergies aren't triggered by a small amount of skin contact. Even for those that are, just cover your skin and hands with towels and rags, maybe put a rag over your mouth if you don't want to breathe it in, and start wiping it up. She doesn't have an endless supply of peanut butter. As for the baseball bat, perhaps catch it with a towel? It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to wrest a baseball bat away from a little girl. F her Parents' Life for raising a little brat.

Blacksabbath211 9

2 dangerous if the kid flails around. personaly, I'd call her parents, then the cops

fridgebeh 0

you fail. this might be the coolest kid out there. not saying you deserve it, just that you fail:)

HeaRTs_Girl 0

How is she cool? She sounds like a psycho little ******. I would have beaten the shit out of her if she pulled that shit with me.

NeonWar__ 0

this is so true. kids can be like that! FYL!

terror_twins 0

That child is pure evil genius, do not nap at that house no matter how late the parents stay out. She will be silently waiting for you to let your guard down.

Hah! Awesome kid. Sucks though, sorry. =