Demon child

By PeanutlyDisabled - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I was babysitting a new child. I guess she heard me tell her parents about my severe peanut allergy because she got a jar out of the pantry, spread it all over the stairs leading to where her fort was, and walked around with a baseball bat covered in it so I couldn't come near her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 777
You deserved it 3 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..And this is the reason my husband may interact with our child, but not actually TEACH her anything. He'd do this, I know he would. FYL, she's too smart.


Hahaha, I'm sorry, that's sucks...But is incredibly amusing :)

Hermyoni 0

So you called the parents told them what she did and they come home and spank her for being a brat. Also how did you not notice her grabbing the peanut butter from the pantry?

Wow and how old was this kid? Evil little child...

nofxroxx341 0

I agree with twinklestar, you are the one who is supposed to be watching her! YDI

Can you watch a child while going to the bathroom? Despite what you want to believe, you cannot keep track of a child every single second of the time you are baby sitting. Sometimes you have your back turned for a single second and trouble happens.

Pretty sure it's going to take a lot more than a second or even a bathroom break to go into the pantry and get the peanut butter and cover the stairs and a baseball bat in peanut butter...

it only takes a couple of steps before the OP can't reach the kid, who by the way is wielding a lethal weapon

Ignoring the fact the OP could just walk over the stairs with her shoes on, it would have taken a lot of time to cover the stairs in peanut butter. If you can't prevent a kid from covering a large area of floor with a substance that doesn't spread that easily and can't prevent them from threatening you with a weapon that you've allowed them time to coat in something they took unsupervised from the pantry, you shouldn't be caring for children. It's really that simple.

If you're taking so long in the bathroom that the kid can go unsupervised into the pantry, get out the peanut butter, smear relatively large area's of floor with peanut butter that doesn't spread that easily, find a baseball bat and coat that as well you shouldn't be babysitting.

again, it only takes a couple of steps before the OP can't reach the kid who has a jar of peanut butter in her hands and has but to touch the OP with the peanut butter.

You make this sound like the kid took the peanut butter and warded the babysitter off by threatening to touch her with it, as she coated the stairs, a pretty time consuming task. From what the OP said, and being realistic it sounds like she had left the kid alone long enough to do all this unsupervised. Regardless, if you can't stop a little kid threatening you, you honestly shouldn't be left in charge of any children.

Maybe the child isnt SO young to the point that she had to be watched every moment. Its possible the kid wanted to "play" by herself and the OP understood because she was currently a stranger to the little girl. Maybe the Op thought it'd be ok to leave the child to her own devices until she was used to her being around? Bad choice or course, but not a horrible thought.

OP was probably taking a dump...those can take a while.

All of you should keep in mind that some peoples allergies are so severe that even touching it could trigger their allergies and yeah putting peanut butter on the stairs is time consuming and they could put on shoes but what are you supposed to do with those shoes? Touching the shoes to take them off would be bad and also te child wouldn't have to cover all the steps to make going up the stair difficult for the sitter

Oh you must be hissing, hopping about and wishing that someone, please, SOMEONE, would fur godssake scratch your silly fuzzywuzzywittle tummy!!! get over it.

broken_red_wagon 6

By awesome, i think you mean the child is terribly wicked and crafty. It's horrible for the babysitter but damn, you gotta give the kid credit

newsgit 0

OP might have been using the bathroom at the time of said peanut butter spreading. and that is horrible that a child would do that. Peanut Butter is awesome, you shouldn't waste it.

she must've had alot of peanut butter... what do they sell it by the 5 gallon now? i must've missed that..