
By 420SUX - 04/08/2012 06:17 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I caught my boyfriend staring at my sister through the doorway while we were having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 119
You deserved it 9 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Finnick_fml 12

... many things wrong with this picture. You were having sex, with an open door; in a house where others were present. You continued having sex, with the door open, even after you realized there were people just outside of the door. I think it's safe enough to say YDI...


This is why that say "what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors" is really something to live by.

Wrong in so many ways... Why would you do that without closing the door? Especially when your sister was standing right there!

Maybe he was just giving her the deathly "STOP LOOKING AT US AND CLOSE THE DOOR!" stare.

Or the 'haha I'm bangin your sister, and your moms next' stare..

flutter4 7

Or 'haha I'm bangin your sister, and you are next' stare

Or the possible "Haha I'm banging your sister and who ISN'T next" stare.

You caught your boyfriend watching you and your sister having sex? Girl on girl, what guy wouldn't watch lol

Isn't that kind of your fault for leaving the door open? And why what was your sister doing in the doorway that was made him stare at her instead of you during sex?

SwtCherryPie 26

The FML coulda have read differently too: Today, I saw my sister watching my boyfriend and I having sex. FML But I guess anyway you write it you still deserve it for leaving the door open/unlocked and not saying for her to gtfo.

Well he was probably just making sure she didn't know what was going on... I doubt there's a problem OP, but ask him about it just to be sure!

perdix 29

Je t'adore. No, you shut the door! One day, you won't be there, so he'll be able to get with your sister and cut out the middle man.