
By Anonymous - 30/11/2009 02:06 - United States

Today, I spoke with my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend. Actually, she isn't all that crazy. He really did cheat on her with half a dozen other girls. The same girls he's apparently cheating on me with. How do I know for sure? Thank you crazy ex for his email passwords. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 770
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend sounds a lot like my ex. Who told all our mutual friends that I'm a monstrously perverted sexual deviant with "an extensive collection of horse **** ****** and my own personal dungeon". Why? Because I was "mean" to him when he tried to hook up with me after I broke up with him.

lol you do realize that you're going to soon be the crazy ex girlfriend right?


DoingItWrong 0

Have you ever considered that crazy ex is crazy ex with a plan to no longer be his ex? She has his e-mail passwords .... can you really trust the e-mails you saw in his account? If crazy ex has a very good plan ... she would have deleted those e-mails from his account shortly after you read them. Just saying ... there's a fine line between genius and crazy.

Indeed. Do you know the other girls? Are they friends of the ex-girlfriend? Could the emails be planted? Don't throw all of your trust out the window yet. Just be wary. Talk to the other girls, if you can.

Gavik 0

YDI for not just shutting up and making a sandwich.

YDI And I mean that sincerley. You deserve to know that your boyfriend is a cheating asshole. You're lucky the ex actually ISN'T crazy, and doesn't hold anything against you and didn't want you to suffer the same fate.

srscrs 0

That's a really good way of looking at it actually.

jessx0x 0

I've had to deal with a crazy ex and let me tell you...those people need to be checked into a mental ward. If someone cheats on you once, not to mention a few more times around...why bother sticking around? To me, that would make me move on faster if I found out someone was cheating on me, not drag on something that was long done. The psycho ex I had to deal with...I love that her ex failed to mention that he still kept her around for some action if he couldn't find anything better for the past 2 years...and when she found out about me she went ballistic even though they had been broken up since 2005. People like that need to get a freakin' life!!!

You mean he's cheating on his other girlfriends with YOU!

Personally, I think this is kind of a win.

nikki1001 0

This is weirding me out because my bf is from MA and has a crazy ex-gf that he cheated on with at least a half a dozen girls (including me...but in my defense, I didn't know they were still together). I mean..she was legit crazy, which is why he cheated because she wouldn't let him leave (in order to break up with her, he had to change his phone number and even then she called his service provider to try to get the number) but...still. Here's hoping we don't have the same bf!! Ha...ha....

Your boyfriend is a loser either way. Anyone who tries to justify cheating is a loser.

nikki1001 0

No...don't think so. I would have cheated on her too if I was stuck in the relationship with a psycho who wouldn't let me go. I don't even consider it cheating since he had no feelings for her anymore and emotionally wasn't in the relationship at all. She would just harass him whenever he tried to officially leave. Or attempt suicide. Soooo yeah.

stfu, that's a win. She's incredibly intelligent for leaving no trace that he didn't get suspicious enough to CHANGE his passwords. Or he's just a tard. This isn't an FML at all, unless there was a "and when I got tested, I found out I had VD."

nikki1001 0

If he knew she was reading because she confronted him, then yeah, he's a moron. If she never said anything and just read his emails for the sake of being in the know, then yeah, it's really easy to leave no trace of it.

welderchick87 0

You have his passwords....spam the hell outta the chicks he's talking to, sign him up for gay **** and find some kinda freaky ass shit to sign him up for can do alllllll sorts of shit to him with his email addy and his password. Then...dump his ass cuz anybody that cheats never really loved you in the first place and you don't need them breaking your heart time and time again. You can find somebody better than this jackass. Have fun. :)