
By Anonymous - 09/01/2011 11:38 - Australia

Today, my mum is convinced I'm a hoarder. While I was out of the house, she went through my room and threw out stuff I "don't need." This included $500 worth of textbooks, a flash drive with crucial work on it, and my phone charger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 684
You deserved it 3 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoCo2299 0

never let parents clean around your house

Walk into her room, and throw her things out. Or better, pack them into a bag and drive them off to a local dumpster. And tell her that once she tries going through your stuff again, this will repeat.


hellomynameisnam 0
sallen0046 4

I'm not saying this is absolutely your fault, but it seems pretty obvious that if you'd had these items put away your mother would not have bothered them. A couple books, a flash drive, and a phone charger don't really add up to a solution for hoarding. Grade schools don't make you purchase textbooks, so it seems the larger issue is that you're a legal adult living at home who hasn't bothered to set boundaries with your parents.

You have to pay for textbooks you lose. Derp.

boatkicker 4

If OP is a college student home from break, they're probably mid-way through packing to go back. Chances are the stuff OP's mom thought OP was hoarding, was a pile of "Important stuff to take back wit me" and OP just hadn't found a box or something to put it in yet.

OP said "this included" meaning there was probably way more stuff that his/her mother threw out, and the flash drive and phone charger might have been picked up accidentally. maybe she thought that the OPs messy room equaled hoarding.

I've never met a teenager who has a constantly tidy room who does not have serious mental problems. On the other hand, I've yet to meet a teenager who doesn't have some sort of mental problem, myself included.

rallets 22

right here, i never had a mental problem. my room is not too messy either

Wow, that sucks, OP. On a side note, FMLs like these make me appreciate my parents even more.

Next time clean your room when she tells you to.

That sucks. My mum will actually come over to visit and "tidy up" in the same manner. All papers equal trash to her and she doesn't understand my desire to hold onto the day's unread post. Living in her home was difficult at best. But it is her home. If she's asked you to keep it clean and you haven't, I can see why she'd be frustrated. Try keeping your things better organised so it doesn't look like a pile of rubbish. If you can't recover your discarded items, ask your mum if she'll go half on the replacements.

WearingHats 14

This is the best comment I've seen today.