Clean up in aisle 5 please

By Anonymous - 02/12/2020 18:03 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, I cleaned up the entire kitchen after sending the kids to school. I decided to have a nice cup of tea, and then knocked the tea over into the bin and the bin cabinet, the hardest and grossest thing to clean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

That was the universe trying to get you to clean more thoroughly. It could’ve just told you, though. It could’ve left you a message in the tea leaves.

The bin cabinet would not be gross if you cleaned the entire kitchen


Marcella1016 31

That was the universe trying to get you to clean more thoroughly. It could’ve just told you, though. It could’ve left you a message in the tea leaves.

The bin cabinet would not be gross if you cleaned the entire kitchen