Between a rock and a hard place

By Anonymous - 12/01/2022 22:59

Today, my mom wanted to kick me out of the house, but she has a brain tumor and can’t be left alone. I want to leave this place, but I can’t leave her. I’m ready to quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 230
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She can apply for PSW assistance or a spot in LTC. Or you can do it for her. Brain tumour or not, you don't have to put up with any toxicity from her.


randybryant799 20

Ready to quit what? Your poor dying mother?

Terrible people get sick too. Having a brain tumor doesn’t magically erase whatever mistakes she’s made or turn her into a good person for her own kid to not wanna deal with her anymore.

She can apply for PSW assistance or a spot in LTC. Or you can do it for her. Brain tumour or not, you don't have to put up with any toxicity from her.

ask someone to babysit her, and take a couple of days away from each other. it sounds like you both need it