Bad aim

By goldengirl - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my doctor asked for a urine sample. It's the first time I've tried to cup my own pee. Despite the fact that I'm a woman, I managed to aim wrong, and sprayed the floor, hit the door and my handbag with my own pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 646
You deserved it 17 021

Top comments

And you laugh at us guys, wee can aim :)

RedPillSucks 31

What does being a woman have to do with this? Peeing in a cup may not be rocket science, but it's not easy when you can't aim. Next time, try peeing over/in the toilet and just place the cup in the stream.


ikickgingers 15

Whoa. How you managed that far is beyond me isn't that a world record breaker ?

I don't get how the hell you somehow managed to spray the floor, the door and your handbag with your own pee. I don't even think a man would be able to do that! If you were able to get it to spray everywhere like that, then your underparts must be pretty messed up. That or you decided to do the time warp whilst peeing...

ikickgingers 15

Put your hands on your hips ....

But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insaaaaaaane!

lmaoatall 6

There's an educational video called two girls and a cup! Watch it and learn!

kportal69 5

Are you sure you're a woman? Because that's some intense spray you got going on otherwise. Floor, purse and door. Really? The door? Like how does that happen?

lexybunny555 1

Wow I'm 13 and I have no problem try sitting

I hate to think what would have happened if you were required to give him a stool sample...YIKES!