Are you OK?

By TooMuchWattpad - 20/07/2023 09:00 - United States - Piscataway

Today, I cried so much I felt nauseous and almost puked. Why was I crying? I made up a hot, brooding, cold, and heartless guy who secretly cared about me, and who's super protective. Then I imagined him dying by being stabbed. I cried over a guy I made up in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 192
You deserved it 1 333

Same thing different taste


You need a hobby, and it's not this one.

I’m not sure this sort of imagining thing is healthy for you right now if that’s what your mind immediately did to your pretend guy. Do you usually go with the absolute worst-case scenario in a “This can’t last” type mindset? Consider seeking therapy if the answer is yes, if that’s possible for you.

Am I the only one who thinks OP's dream guys is just a toxic piece of shit? I don't usually judge taste, but "brooding, cold and heartless" doesn't exactly sound great, and rather that OP wants a hot guy who will treat her like shit "but secretly cares about [her]".

Hey, at least you didn't stalk him on Facebook, so you've got that going for you!

You need to learn how to take charge of your thoughts. It is not possible for everyone to take absolute control but there is a lot that you can do by yourself. Youtube is a great resource in this regard.