A teacher's burden

By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 17:46 - Canada

Today, a parent came into my class and told one of my 6 year-old students that their grandma died. Then the parent left. The kid started crying from the news, which then got all the other students crying. I spent the rest of the day comforting a class of kids crying over someone else's grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 525
You deserved it 3 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids will cry over anything, although it sucks you have to deal with it. Sorry charlie. And how shitty of the mom to just come by tell the bad news and leave.

The kid's mom didn't take him/her home? Jeez.


fmljw 2

that made me LOL awww thats so cute

someone else's grandma dies and it's FYL??? talk about making it about yourself....

fcuk_fml 0

kinda selfish. how would you feel if your grandma died? and you're their teacher, isn't your job to be compassionate towards them? not be annoyed of having to do your job?

I don't understand. This sounds kinda fake. Because 1. Was this "parent" even the child's parent? 2. If so, why did this parent just leave the kid there in class? and 3. YDI for thinking this ruined your life.

Why would they tell them during class? School already sucks enough.

mcsnelly 5

#64--Some parents are thoughtless like that-believe me, I've dealt with plenty of parents like that just subbing at schools. and she never said it ruined her life. How many of these fml's actually ruin their entire lives? #63--It's her job to teach. Not to deal with problems that should be the parents' responsibility. Not to say she shouldn't be comforting when something does happen (that's just being a considerate person, and a teacher can be an important part of that in a kid's life), BUT the parent should be more considerate of the class because, if a kid hears their grandma died, they're OBVIOUSLY going to be upset. And if they're that upset (especially it being such a young child) of course it's going to be a huge distraction for the rest of the class. The OP isn't being selfish or a "heartless bitch." She DID comfort the students. But if the parent hadn't been so thoughtless, she shouldn't have had to comfort 20-some crying 6 year olds

hanananah08 0

Everybody saying she deserved this has never been around inconsolable children. She tried to comfort them. She was compassionate. It's not like she kept teaching and ignored them. That would make her a bastard. And #58, comforted.

#58 Thanks for telling it like it is. I completely agree. Anyone saying rube things about OP are plain idiots. If your own child is crying, you don't like it. Now imagine 20+ kids all crying at once, this would not be enjoyable for anyone. You people don't give teachers enough credit. If you were to ask a doctor if he/she could have 20+ patients in the same room, that you needed to treat each one fairly, equitably and professionally every moment for several hours at a time, I doubt they would be comfortable in that situation. Same goes for any profession. This is what teachers do EVERY day. You become a teacher because you believe in education and like working with children, but that doesn't mean you should be happy every time anything happens. Any profession can be stressful with overwhelming days. Teachers are not exempt from being allowed to be stressed. And the OP is clearly not talking about himself/herself, more expressing frustration at an idiot parent for making a really dumb decision, and rightfully so. Anyone who is being unnecessarily rude to OP in the comments are the type of people who become the moron, idiot parents that frustrate teachers because of their stupidity.