

About Colerich

are oranges orange because orange is orange or is orange orange because oranges are orange

Colerich - Followers

Colerich - Followed


Colerich's FML badges

Profile completed

You’ve filled out the necessary details. Having done so will be much appreciated.


You read an FML that mentions a badge, and in return, you've been awarded a badge. A badge inside a badge.

I like your style

You gave a Hug to someone. How cute!

Checking you out

You checked out the profile page belonging to one of the last people to have a look at your profile.


You are connected to FML via the mobile site or an app. How modern.

Up and coming moderator

It’s nice of you to help us sort out the submissions, using FML’s moderate feature.


Editing your comments can help you avoid embarrassment, and it might make you seem smarter.

Who’s the fairest of them all?

This is now the third time you’ve changed your profile pic.

The Mixer

You like to live life randomly, and we salute you.

What'ch'all looking at?

You have put three pictures on your profile, but not necessarily pictures of your profile.


You have voted "You deserved it" over 100 times.

50 favorites

Love knows no boundaries. You’ve already added 50 FMLs to your favourites list!

Consolation prize

Your FML was denied. We had to at least give you a badge to cheer you up a bit.

It's in the can!

Hey, you uploaded your photo, and you’re cute as a kitten!

Santa Claus

You've looked for Santa absolutely everywhere, and you managed to find him. Well done!

Tommy Wiseau

You have 50 followers and we quite frankly don't know how you managed it.

I'm a rock star

You have 100 followers. Your head's in the game.

One more and it's business time

You've received 68 Hugs on your profile. Kinky.

Keen reader – Level: godlike ninja

You have voted for 100% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

Keen reader – Level: master ninja

You have voted for 50% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

Keen reader – Level: student ninja

You have voted for 15% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

The return of the thumb

You have thumbed 5000 comments.

The thumb strikes back

You have left your thumbprint on 2500 comments.

I agree, my mouse works.

200 "I agree" votes is a good start.

YDI Master

You made your 500th "You deserved it" vote.

A new thumb

You’ve used your thumb on 1000 comments.

100 kick-ass comments

100 of your comments are neither buried or moderated. Popular is your middle name!


You have 200 followers. Everyone follows you. You should watch your mouth.

The list of badges to find

Colerich's favorite FMLs

amusedslovenia tells us more.

amusedslovenia 5

OP here... My son is 10 months old. I'm really at my wits' end. He had been a good eater from the start, unlike his older brother who I couldn't get to eat anything either. I set out to feed my kids all organic, home-made, fresh and so forth. I gave up with my first after having spent literally hours a day preparing healthy, nutritious and yes, tasty foods that he wouldn't touch beyond a spoon or two. My two year old grew fine on very little food and now eats the same we do. My younger. however, is tiny for his age - he wears clothes for 3mo (but developing normally, thank God, and the pedi's not concerned). I can only get him to taste a spoon of something and then it's over. But anything he picks up from the floor (bread crumbs, and yes, cat kibble (food), he will eat. And scream when I take it away from him. Maybe he's on a strike or teething or... I don't know. Maybe I should start placing food on the floor for him LOL.